How you can work with me

Holistic Health Journey Coming Soon

Rebecca adopts her passion for herbalism, botanics, mind body and somatics to inspire the holistic health of others. She will be sharing more on how others can embark on their own journey and process soon.

You can follow her journey on her social media pages.

Subscribe to her emails to keep up to date with her progress.

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Holistic Health Guide 1:1 sessions

Rebecca offers 1:1 exploratory breakthrough sessions for anyone willing to explore listening to our universal & personal deeper narrative layers & patterns.

She holistically holds a steady supportive space with integrity, whilst navigating you to embrace your deeper inner landscape.

She cultivates courage in stepping outside of any repeated patterns, habits & self limiting stories that no longer serve you. Empowering you to gain more freedom & choice in where & how you want to create your life from.

She supports your transition and spiritual growth through these veiled spaces with compassion.

Book a complimentary breakthrough session to see how Rebecca can support and journey with you.

Book a session

Mark Making & Image classes with water colour & monoprint

Rebecca is offering online and in person mark making image building classes in Autumn 2024 in monoprint.

Dates and details to be published soon.

Contact her to find out more.

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